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📣 Tracto update available (v1.3.4)

Version v1.3.4

What's new?

The update includes enhanced support for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) care journeys, tracking experience improvements and a few smaller tweaks.

Our Tracto updates continuously aim to support you in your important role, as parent or teacher, in helping children with neurodiverse and mental health conditions thrive.


Enhancing ASD (Autism) care journey support

1. Added a few new trackable concerns

Each child's care journey is unique. Ensuring that your child or student is getting the best care requires parents and teachers to have an understanding of treatment progress.

We've added the following trackable concerns to help care teams gain a deeper understanding of a child's care progress:

  1. Sensory Sensitivity

  2. Obsessiveness

  3. Social Skills

  4. Communication Skills

  5. Ability to Learn

2. Changes to our Tracto care resources

We've revamped our Tracto Resources experience and content to cover ASD as well.

Enhancing parent care communication

1. Get notified when a parent adds, updates or deletes a medication or activity item

As the care champions (a.k.a parents) of your child, it is essential that both parents are aware of any additions and changes to your child's care plan. Therefore, we've added a new notification which informs the other parent when a medication or activity item has been added, updated or deleted.

Gremlin (👹) Fixes

1. A few Android smartphone users were receiving duplicate care reminders

If you were one of the not so lucky users who were experiencing this issue on your device, please follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

  1. Install the Tracto update

  2. Log out of your Tracto account

  3. Log back into your Tracto account

  4. Voilà... the issue should be history!


A big thanks

Thank you to all our parents and teachers who are providing amazing feedback on what works well, but also what does not work so well. Your feedback helps us to continuously improve Tracto to be even more useful to you and other care teams around the globe.

Feel free to contact us at with any questions, gremlin (👹) sightings and feature suggestions. We'd love to hear from you.

To install this update, follow the links from our install page.

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