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Getting respite - even a few minutes a day
Getting respite, or a break, is important for several reasons. It reduces stress, gives you an opportunity for self-care, and improves...

6 Ideas for Sensory Breaks
Sensory breaks are short periods of time that we dedicate to address different types of sensory input. These breaks can help us to stay...

Mindfulness while doing household chores
Who has time for mindfulness every day?! Well, now you can do it while doing household chores. Washing dishes, folding laundry, or...

5 Mindfulness activities for when you only have 5 minutes
We know we need to practice mindfulness, but time is also so limited! Research shows that practicing mindfulness on a consistent basis...

Why your child needs a calm corner (chill space) at home
What is a chill space and why does your child need one? Every single person needs time to unwind and just chill, a place where they can...

When is it okay to yell at your kids?
We all have those moments where we feel no one is listening, things are out of hand, and we need to raise our voices to be heard (by our...

Tantrums and meltdowns
How are we supposed to know how to help our kids if their tantrums and meltdowns look exactly the same? This week's video will guide you...

When we (as parents) cannot cope anymore
Parents of neurodivergent kids are often exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed on a whole new level. What is really important when we feel...

Mindfulness for children
Mindfulness is an important skill that we need throughout our lives, and children can learn this skill if we teach it to them in the...

Getting my child to sleep in their own bed
Ideas to help your child sleep in their own bed Featured video guide This is such a tricky topic! I know for my own children, it was...

How to get our kids to slow down
Simple strategies to help our kids settle down before they become overwhelmed Featured video guide Something I often see, and I’m sure we...

What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental conditions in childhood. Children diagnosed with...

Anxiety in children
We all deal with anxiety in our own way. Some of us quite successfully in a healthy manner, by keeping to our daily schedules and...

Friendship and Autism
We are all social beings, some more than others. The common belief is that autistic children are not social or don’t like to engage in...

Tip #1 - Parenting in uncertain times | Give your child a voice
Tracto and Jessica Cheesman, educational psychologist, talks about giving your child a voice as tip #1 for parents to manage anxiety.
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